09 November 2006

a stranger is a stranger is a stranger, simply, and you watch the stranger to anticipate his next move. but the people who elicit from you a depth of attention and wonder which we helplessly call love are perpetually making moves which cannot possibly be anticipated. eventually, you realise that it never occurred to you to anticipate their next move, not only because you couldn’t but because you didn’t have to: it was not a question of moving on the next move, but simply, of being present. danger, true, you try to anticipate and you prepare yourself, without knowing it, to stand in the way of death. for the strangest people in the world are those people recognised, beneath one’s senses, by one’s soul — the people utterly indispensable for one’s journey. (james baldwin.)

hang in there, guys. heaven can wait,

but there's more to life than the next four weeks.


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