10 January 2007

It’s telling when the stuff you’ve done scares even yourself.

It’s only scary afterwards, of course. When you’re doing it, it always feels justified. No dissenting voice of reason: it’s as though your conscience just upped and left, disgusted, not wanting to have anything more to do with your actions. With you.

5 am in the morning again. Not sleeping. Not able to sleep. Damn, the cigarette pack is empty again. AGAIN! How much more can the body take. Time to open another pack: at least that lends SOME purpose to tonight. Purpose is hard to come by these days.

Self-reflection feels like the morning after a party, and here’s all that’s left: the empty bottles and cigarette butts.


“So many self-imposed restrictions,
So much I want to say.
So little for me to hold on to,
So much has slipped away.”


sexy lawyer said...

why no one want to leave their pseudonyms anymore? :(


sexy lawyer said...

that is right.
as future professionals we should always have the courage to stand up to what we say, esp. in black & white.

sexy lawyer said...

oops that was me by the way...
